What Rules Apply When Specifying Multiple Backgrounds in CSS?

The following rules apply when adding multiple layers of background properties in CSS:

  1. Backgrounds are stacked in an order;
  2. background-* properties can be specified zero or one time per background;
  3. background-color is only permitted on the last layer.

Backgrounds Are Stacked in an Order

When you specify multiple backgrounds using in CSS, the backgrounds are stacked in an order — where the first background appears on top and the last background is shown in the back. For example:

    url('layer-1.png') no-repeat,
    url('layer-2.png') repeat-x,
    url('layer-3.png') repeat-x,

In the example above, the stacking order of backgrounds will be as follows:

  1. layer-1.png will be stacked above all other images;
  2. layer-2.png will be in the middle;
  3. layer-3.png will appear behind all other images.

background-* Properties Can Be Specified Zero or Once per Background

When specifying multiple backgrounds, all background-* properties can be specified zero or one time per background layer. The background-color property is an exception to the rule (as it's only permitted on the last layer). This means that you can specify the following background-* properties in each background layer only once:

  • background-attachment;
  • background-clip;
  • background-image;
  • background-origin;
  • background-position;
  • background-repeat;
  • background-size.

For example:

    url('layer-1.png') top left / 100% auto no-repeat,
    url('layer-2.png') repeat-x padding-box,
    #ccc url('layer-3.png') left 15px top,
    /* ... */

Although, generally, you can specify individual properties on each layer in any order you want, still there are some exceptions when using the background shorthand property.

background-color Is Only Permitted on the Last Layer

The background-color property only applies to the final background layer, for example:

    url('layer-1.png') no-repeat,
    url('layer-2.png') repeat-x,
    #ccc url('layer-3.png') repeat-x,
    /* ... */

Other background properties, however, can be specified/applied (zero or one times) on each layer.

This post was published by Daniyal Hamid. Daniyal currently works as the Head of Engineering in Germany and has 20+ years of experience in software engineering, design and marketing. Please show your love and support by sharing this post.